Tag Archive | Modeling

Jennifer M. Anderson’s Introduction Video

This video says it all… who I am, what I do and how I can help you!

Thank You Carrie for the video!!!


Carrie Rokosz Managing Partner-Owner



ROKOSZ Studios

‘The Beauty Blueprint Project #1

And so let the true therapy begin…



I was so grateful when Michelle Phillips contacted me asking to be a guest on my About FACE Internet radio show which broadcasts on Rhino On Air at 9am Thursdays EST. (www.rhinoonair.com)  As I do with all my guests, I googled her and discovered wow, she is not only an amazing and accomplished celebrity makeup artist but a motivational speaker, Life Coach, TV and radio host as well as being a bestselling Hay House author. Michelle guested on my show last week and what impressed me was, not only her extensive range of celebrity clientele but her grace and spirit.


Michelle presented me with her book “The Beauty Blueprint” as a personal thank you for being a guest and I promised her then that I would read her book, do the exercises and then blog about my discoveries. As I originally mentioned in my first blog, “In the Beginning” this is not only intended to be informative but I genuinely feel it will also act as great therapy for me. I cannot think of a better book than this to allow me to rediscover who I am from the inside and help reclaim the essence of what makes me uniquely beautiful.  I know that these findings and this deep inner self discovery will act as a satisfying and absorbing read.


The moment I received my book I devoured the first part of it and it brought me to tears.  “The Inspiration for the Beauty Blueprint” is the title of the preface of Michelle Phillips’ book “The Beauty Blueprint” www.michellephillips.com and in there I found just that, inspiration. I have been feeling less than inspired lately and this could be the catalyst to change that. I believe that everything begins with what is going on in the mind which ultimately affects your attitude.


I want to embrace change. It might appear scary at first but I know that with that change I will grow as a person. I WILL embrace it. I have felt for a while now that I have been in a rut and I am looking forward to this change.


I am looking forward to sharing with you what I learn from this book, my findings and genuinely hope it will inspire you in much the same way.


Cheers to therapy!





Minerals, Liquid and Talc, Oh My!

Minerals, Liquid and Talc... Oh My!

In my previous blog, ‘So many lines, so little time’ I wrote about how to specifically decipher between all the lines out there in skincare land. I next thought about all the makeup lines an all the choices of specific foundations to choose from. I wanted to break down all the formulations out there for you in order to choose the right one out there for you and your clients.

Are you confused on which is the right for you? Do you even know the difference between mineral, talc or liquids? Do you know that there are different levels or grades of products out there? If your confused then this blog is for you.

Let me break it down for you.

Minerals: Minerals are bio-inert. Bio-inert means that there isn’t a chemical or physical reaction between the skin and the makeup. Minerals and pigments are micro-pulverized using proprietary technology into microscopic flat particles. These particles overlap each other on the skin to allow the skin to breath and function properly while filtering out airborne pollutants. There is great staying power to minerals that rarely need touch ups throughout the day. Chemical free, preservative free and the pharmaceutical grade minerals are TALC FREE!!! The minerals are also smear proof and water resistant. Minerals have buildable coverage as well. Minerals are great for concealing so you don’t need another product. It is your liquid, power and concealer all in one.

Liquids: Liquid foundations have a liquid lotion base and pigments added for color and coverage. Many have chemicals, preservatives and parabins.

Tinted moisturizer– It is a lotion and pigments combined, 80% lotion and 20% pigment. VERY sheer coverage. Tinted moisturizer is perfect for softening and protecting the skin while adding a hint of foundation color. This makeup is also ideal because you don’t have to put on moisturizer and then foundation, it’s a one step process.

Liquid Foundation– 40% lotion and 60% pigments. MOST airbrush makeup utilizes a liquid foundation however, they add water so the spray won’t get clogged. This is great for easy application, personally I think it’s a fad. It may look cool but the makeup artist must carry the machine which might be cumbersome. Women with oily skin should avoid dewy finish foundation and should set any liquid foundation with a translucent powder to reduce shine.

Whipped Foundation– This is a liquid foundation that has been whipped with air. Mousse makeup is liquid makeup with air whipped in making it lighter and smoother. It comes in a spray or aerosol-type can, like whipped cream. It costs more than other cosmetics because you’re paying for the added air and specialized packaging but if you’ve ever spread whipped butter on a hot piece of toast then you’ll know the difference is vast. Whipped foundation is good for all skin types.

Talc: Talc is a mineral produced by the mining of talc rocks and then processed by crushing, drying and milling. Processing eliminates a number of trace minerals from the talc but does not separate minute fibers which are very similar to asbestos. Talc is toxic and talc particles can cause tumors in human ovaries and lungs. Numerous studies have shown a strong link between frequent use of talc in the female genital area and ovarian cancer. Talc particles are able to move through the reproductive system and become embedded in the lining of the ovary. Clearly with or without asbestos-like fibers, cosmetic grade talcum powder is a carcinogen.

I don’t mean to scare you about talc, as you probably gathered I am just not a fan of the stuff. I have been pro minerals ever since 1996 when I was a sales representative with Jane Iredale.

What I encourage you to do is be astute to the products you are going to personally use and the products you are going to use for your clients. Read labels, study the new technology, do your homework. I also would like to encourage you to try all the forms of makeup out on yourself. If you love a product yourself you will always be better at selling it.

Go to your makeup bag, empty it, go through it and then start to throw liquid items away if they are more than 3 months old. Now you have made a start.

So Many Skincare Lines, So Little Time

I was stood in the middle of a huge expanse in the Miami Convention Center at the International Congress of Esthetics and Spa surrounded by hundreds of different skincare lines and feeling, not only overwhelmed but incredibly excited. There were so many lines biding for the attention of the professionals in the hope of a sale and for the opportunity to utilize their skincare line in the professionals practice.

While I think every line is great and  every line has its place, not every line is perfect. Every line is known to have its ‘star product.’ I used to say this all the time when I was a sales representative specializing in outbound sales. First I was careful not to speak negatively about any of the competitors and I would also make sure I was astute to all the ingredients, buzz words and new technology that not only my line had, but my competitors had too.

I have a standard in why I pick and choose the products I work with. My standard is that I have extensive knowledge of the company and the specific ingredients in each bottle. I also know that it works on a personal level as well. Some professionals make their choice by what they learned in school while others choose the philosophy behind the line.

I write this for anyone who is pondering what line to carry in their practice. The following list are specific elements that a line should have. They read as an A to Z.

Here you go then. Regarding the products you use on your clients:
1) Are they certified toxic free?

2) Do they contain no hormone disruptor’s or age accelerators?
4) Do they go beyond natural and organic to “inhibit” cancer?
5) Do they reach and feed the “mother cells”?
6) Do they restore and repair broken capillaries?
7) Do they provide a unique one-of-a-kind luxurious experience?
8) Are they made with organic ingredients and contains “live” fresh resveratrol?
9) Do they naturally contain antioxidants and phenolic compounds?
10) Are they all natural but deliver cosmeceutical strength with visible results on the first application?
11) Are they all backed by clinical human trials to “inhibit” skin cancer?
12) Do they reduce free radical activity?
13) Do they stimulate cell energy?
14) Do they rapidly improve and heal acne, rosacea, dermatitis, seborrhea or any other skin conditions?
15)  Are they healthy for the whole body?
14) Do they provide oral supplementation for body and skin?
Chemicals are OUT. The “baby boomers” want to look good. Luxury proven ANTI-CANCER is IN and spreading like wild fire!

I hope this helps you to make the right decision on what line to choose for your practice. I also hope this opens your mind to all the skincare lines out there and remember, every skincare line has its place and every skincare line has its star product.

So many lines, so little time. Just take your time and find the best fit for you!

Have Bad Skin Habits?

Do you do these bad habits? Look at the check list below… if your doing more than 3 of them; you need to break your habits!!!
1. Not removing makeup. This one is pretty basic, but it still needs to be said. Taking off your makeup before you go to sleep at night is so important.Think of your skin as the windshield of your car.  Toxins, oil, dirt, debris, makeup, free radicals, spores, mold, dust, and many more microscopic particles attach to your skin throughout the day. Wash once to get all the debris off and then wash again (it is like using Windex on the glass. To take it a step further, I love to use my Clairsonic brush too… www.clairsonic.com %60 more debris are removed by using the brush!!!
2. Not wearing sunscreen Apply a sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF everyday to protect it from the harmful rays. Your face (and health) will thank you later.  I use my makeup for my SPF. I apply in the morning and throughout the day. www.randejames.com
3. Not drinking enough water. Only %5 of all the water intake throughout the day ever reaches your skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and the lowest on the totem pole for water. Take your body weight, divide it by 2 and that is how many ounces of water you should consume a day. This is really a good challenge for you. Try it and you will notice your skin looking and feeling better!!!
4. Using bar soap to wash your face *Shudders*. There is no need, or excuse to be using a bar soap to wash your face with.  Every skin care line from an Over the Counter (OTC) to a prescription/pharmaceutical Skin care lines ALL have a wash. Figure out your skin type and choose accordingly.
5. Using moisturizer on the eyes. Use eye cream! The skin around your eyes is very delicate. Most skin care lines have an eye cream specifically for this delicate area. Most moisturizer can actually harm this delicate skin rather than help it… read the ingredients. Choose your eye cream in accordance to your skin condition (wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness etc.).
6. Wearing foundation that does not match your skin tone. NO ONE likes a demarkation line!!! If you’re unsure about what foundation you ought to be using, try a couple out at a cosmetics counter and have one of the makeup artists help you to find a formula and color that accurately matches your skin’s tone and texture. My favorite line is Randy James Lebrecque’s line Rande James Cosmetics. www.randejames.com He is in Saint Petersburg and time is running out to get a chance to work with him personally… get in to see him!!!
7. Smoking…. I can say a lot here but I think we all know enough about what smoke does to the body and skin. QUIT!
If you have any of these bad habits… break them. You will look better, feel better and your skin and health will thank you later!

What Grade Does Your Makeup Get?

Whay Grade Are Yur Products?There is a HUGE difference between over the counter products and professional products. Effectively it all boils down to how you get the products, did a woman behind a fancy department store counter help you, did you get a facial with an Aesthetician and did she recommended it to you? Believe it or not, there is a huge difference between the two.

There are three different grades of makeup to choose from, over the counter, professional or medical. Let’s look at them in a little more detail.

Eye Makeup

Everything you are able to use on your face is regulated by the FDA and the percentage of active ingredients in the product will determine just how you can buy it. Over the counter (OTC) constitutes less than 2% of active ingredients. You can acquire these products by means of TV, radio, department stores, grocery stores, beauty consultants (working with a MLM line) CVS, Walgreens etc. The products aren’t strong enough to hurt your skin providing you use them correctly. Many of my clients are happy with their products and being a professional I respect their choice. However, I think it all depends on what your expectations are, if a client is really happy using an OTC product then that’s good. Personally I’m happy to let my facials speak for themselves as my main focus is my client’s satisfaction.

Professional: 2% and higher, up to 10% of active ingredients. The professional has a license and education that pertains to application and you can find these products in a salon, spa, dermatologist and plastic surgeon’s office.  As these products are result orientated the focus and motivation behind the product is change. But for real change you’ll need a higher active ingredient in the product .

Medical: 10% and higher of active ingredients. This is a prescription product only. The doctor prescribes the product for real change but it is mainly the patients who receive prescriptions for skin conditions and diseases.

I hope this sheds some light on the subject. If you’re confused and want personal attention in this matter then I’d be happy to help you. I conduct a comprehensive 2 1/2 hour appointment in the comfort of a woman’s home, a one on one with emphasis on my clients concerns together with any questions they might have. This is a great opportunity to examine the makeup and skincare she has in her drawers and is currently using. I go though their makeup and pitch the old, dated, wrong and expired. Believe me there are a lot of crazy things in a woman’s purse, I can understand why men are afraid of them. I then give suggestions for positive changes.

Although Mary Kay started this idea I approach it from a slightly different perspective  where my focus is on education not sales. I also do a step by step makeup application with a detailed instruction. The makeup is removed and my client can then apply the makeup herself with further instruction. I will demonstrate the most progressive techniques in makeup application and teach you how to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.

After I leave clients are so happy that they ask me to do closets, kitchens and garages…but I think I’ll just stay with what I know. I do love what I do especially when I see the proverbial light bulb go on when a client figures out her daily regime and gets the look she is needing. It is magical!

When it comes to products ask yourself a simple question, are you happy with it and is it helping you? Are you getting results? If not then I suggest you go up a grade level. It can make all the difference in your skin! I love and recommend Randy James LeBrecque’s line Rande James… check it out www.randejames.com and GloTherapeutics http://www.glotherapeutics.com !

If you are interested in any further information or would like a consultation then please visit www.skinchicinc.com for my number and special pricing, mention my blog and receive 10% off.



What Are you Worth in the New Year?

I am aware that most women were looking for advice on how to do a smokey eye for a special occasion however, I have decided to reflect back on this year and ask a very important question to all the service providers out in “beauty industry land”, what is your worth? Have you cherished your worth more this year than the past? Are you getting closer to knowing your true worth for the New Year?

I am feeling very reflective. Lately I have been asking myself “Do I really know my worth?” and “What does worth mean anyway?” This all stems from when I had Foster Fox as a guest on a recent internet radio show of mine, ‘About Face’ (www.rhinoonair.com)  It struck a chord with me, so strongly in fact that I just had to blog about it and as a result I’m dedicating my next About Face show to the subject of knowing ones worth. Most beauty service providers, in fact most people don’t know their worth. It was exactly the same for me for almost all of my 20 year career.

Knowing my worth as Founder/Owner of Skin Chic Inc., Paramedical Aesthetician, Professional Makeup Artist, Beauty Industry Educator, Public Speaker, Radio Personality and Writer has been one of the hardest lessons for me personally to learn. To know the balance between offering freebies, doing charitable pro bono work and even to ask for the right and fair price for what I do can be tricky. This requires the confidence in knowing the cost of my overhead (my makeup is not cheap), taking consideration of time and travel (wear and tear together with gas), doing my field homework and matching/beating my competitors prices. And so on. This knowledge comes from the experience gained in my chosen area of expertise.

This past year I have gotten closer to knowing my worth. Do I base my worth on that 20 years of experience? Have I been doing enough networking, blogging, tweeting, Facebooking and other forms of marketing to get my name out there? Do “they” know who I am and what I can provide?

I think the proverbial light bulb came on for me this past year. When it comes to knowing my worth, the past three years have been the most challenging of my career, I realized that I have given so much away. Isn’t my knowledge worth something? I think it is. It takes extensive knowledge to set up a fully equipped Aesthetic room in less than two weeks in order to run a successful practice. I have set up and equipped three rooms for free and I now feel I need to get compensated for all that work. Is that being unreasonable?

The Bible says: A workman is worth their hire.1 Tim 5:18. Wages should be fair and relative for what the workers skills require. Myself, I know that I have been around long enough to know my worth and for people to value my work, talent and professionalism. As with any experienced professional, I have paid my dues.

A casing example was this past month. I did a fashion show, pro bono where I worked for five and a half  hours non stop providing make up for over twenty 20 models. When other makeup artists had left I chose to stay until the end of the show because a friend was in need. I valued her worth not just mine and in return I got valuable exposure in a city I haven’t really worked in before. It made sense for both parties and I was so thrilled with the on site picture of my work that I have used it on both my website and Facebook page. I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t known and respected the designer as the show was in an already saturated market. This was all based on knowing my worth and seeing a situation where not one but both parties benefited.

I have been asked to write articles for Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa magazine. I am thrilled. I know that this is a pro bono writing gig, I know this national beauty industry magazine will give me national exposure. I am humbled by this. I know all the work I will pour into writing a few articles (I am an over achiever), however I wouldn’t pass this opportunity up!

I think people can often see makeup artists as playing dress up, I know because I have experienced it myself and been treated exactly that same way. I don’t think people fully appreciate the work and the artistry behind the technical craft in a makeup application. Some think, “I’m doing you a favor by giving you an opportunity to do something for free”. This can be seen as insulting to a professional and,  where previously I might have felt guilty in saying no  I now value my true worth and I politely decline. I thank them for thinking of me and I move on.

Please don’t misinterpret this, I have donated much to charity and will continue to do, I am always thinking of how I can donate more. Just by way of an example, I have done over $3,000 worth of facials at my last place of employment (approx. 67 hours of free work). I do understand that any job I do can lead to more work however, that doesn’t fill my lipstick palette. I have learned to scale back, be wiser and make better choices for the new year. People value people and as someone once said to me, ‘Is it up to standard or down to price?’

I hope you know your worth in the new year. Happy New Year!

In Our World…

Having a Tim Gunn moment and making it WORK!!!

Yesterday I was the makeup artist as a promotional work for a great designer Bobbie Yvonne Kingsbury www.thefashionauthority.com for a photo shoot for Vocess magazine at the Tampa Museum of Art and I just thank the Lord it was a beautiful day in Tampa Bay because I had to do all the makeup outside in a park. Although this may sound strange to a person who lives outside the world of photo shoots, this is normal to us that do. Even though the lighting was perfect everything else proved to be a challenge. The chair was low and awkward and the sun was too bright for the model to look up for eye application. Worse still I had a bug fly right into my mascara wand.Yuck! Being the consummate professional I just acted like it was no big deal because frankly in this world, it isn’t.

During my 21 year career (I was the youngest National Makeup Artsit for Chanel at a ripe age of… nevermind) you come across many challenges doing makeup, especially when you’re freelance AND working on site. I remember one July I was working on an infomercial in Tampa, FL and the shoot was in the middle of nowhere on a remote plot of land that my model had just purchased. It was high noon, hot and sticky without a cloud in the sky. Without even the mere sniff of a breeze I set up my mini table and pulled out my big guns, a brand new box of tissues. I immediately knew my model was going to be sweating so I just smiled and said, “You’re doing fine, you just get your lines right and then we can get out of this heat.” By the time it was over the cast and crew were all burnt out, their clothes were soaked and we had given a whole new meaning to the word dehydration. Even though I’m not accustomed to carrying an umbrella when it’s raining I now make sure I have one in my car at all times!

I have worked in smelly hotel rooms with no air conditioning, beach sidewalks, poorly lit bathrooms, dirty living rooms, a pool hall (I have to say though the pool table did make an excellent surface ) a hotel lobby and even the back seat of a car. In our world as long as you have your makeup organized and a face to work on, you just pull a Tim Gunn and say to yourself, “Make it work!”

And finally here is a tip for any makeup artists and crew members on a shoot, anything and everything can and will happen. It’sall about being flexible and professional at all times, period. Remember to smile and to always think, this is just a part of the world I’m so blessed and happy to be working in. I certainly have otherwise I wouldn’t have lasted this long. Make it work!

In the beginning….

Skin Chic Inc. Picture

Hello out there in blog-land!!!

I have been told that I needed to start a blog, yet another tentacle out there in cyber space linking my two pages on Facebook, my personal Facebook page, my Twitter account and lastly my web site. It all seemed like more work but I really think this could end up being therapy for me, a diary of sorts. I might not be known especially for my writing but this doesn’t stop me having something to say and blogging is the perfect vehicle. So now I’m here and just like you, I’m hungry for knowledge.

By trade, I am a licensed Paramedical Aesthetician, throw in a little singing and there you have it. But let me stop right there because I realize not too many people understand what “Paramedical” means. Paramedical means that not only do I have advanced training hours outside of specific Esthiology but I also have an internship with a Plastic Surgeon and Dermatologist. This training has given me a complete understanding of what skin conditions like Psoriasis, Rosecia and Eczema, the specific histology of the skin that goes with these conditions and what to do to minimize, control and treat each patient. I just love to help others with skin issues. I am a survivor of a skin condition called Cystic Acne. I literally stuck to my pillowcase at night, not only was it painful for my face, the pain went much deeper than that. After three rounds of Accutaine and some wonderful facials from a Paramedical Aesthetician, a passion grew deep inside to help others with similar skin troubles.

I am also a Professional Makeup Artist. This started from sitting on my mother’s floor watching her get ready to go out. I was fascinated by how a face could look so different, so colorful and so beautiful after one hour of work. I was transfixed and from there a seed was sown. I love make up, it is so easy for me, so natural. I can see a women’s face and know just what to do to make her natural beauty shine. I love for the light bulb to go on and then when I am finished for them to look into the mirror. The smile, the hug, the appreciation makes it all the while. That makes everything well in my world…. and theirs.

As you follow my blog, I ask you to open both your mind and your heart. I will be tearing down the beauty myths we all grew up with and sharing with you some of the wonderful stories from my 20 year career together with some helpful hints along the way. So join me, I am humbled to do this and looking forward to the therapy that awaits not only me but you too!